Going to collect all little tips about UE4 here.
Display the name of your key pressed
Delete all the precomputed lighting data in a scene
Fix Up Redirectory in Folder
Run UE in administrator mode
Visual studio Set up for UE4
NUKE Unreal Engine Live Link
Call the BP function in Sequencer by keying the variables
Rebuild a plugin from the command prompt
Calling Blueprint custom events in the sequencer in UE4
Use re-triggerable Delay
Random Sequence Player (Animation Blueprint)
Disable Auto-Exposure through Post process volume
Display the name of your key pressed
Use Any key node
2. Delete all the precompute lighting data in a scene
In the world setting, search for force
Check force no precomputed lighting
3. when moving assets within content browsers
right click on the folder> select fix up Redirectors in folder would help avoid reference missing issue
4. when creating a C++ project file, make sure to run the ue4 as administrator mode to avoid running into compile errors.
5.Visual studio Set up for UE4
When using houdini niagara plugin, make sure to have visual studio installed and set up for UE
You can find how to in this video https://youtu.be/xFY4CV6dpbI
Visual studio 2019 is recommended
For workloads tab : check desktop development with C++
for individual components tab check .net framework4.61 sdk and .net framework4.61 targeting pack
6. NUKE Unreal Engine Live Link
When using nuke reader live link for Unreal, make sure enable movie render q additional render passes plug-in.
7. Call BP function in Sequencer by keying the variables
Create an actor blueprint
Add a point light component
Create a Boolean variable for testing: name it: BoolTest
make sure the Expose to cinematics is enable
Make a funtion called it SetBoolTest, it has to start with keyword Set + the variable name
for the detail, enable call in the editor
has the input that match the variable type, the name can be different.
Let's do a light color set up
Create a level sequencer, drag in the BP, and key the variable
8.1 How to rebuild a UE project
right click on the project, choose Generate Visual studio project files
8.2 How to rebuild a plugin from the command prompt
Make sure to install and set up the visual studio for UE.
open command prompt:
Basically, we called RunUAT.bat
use BuildPlugin - plugin="the path for plugin"
-package = "the path for rebuild location"
For example:
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Build\BatchFiles>RunUAT.bat BuildPlugin -plugin="C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Plugins\FX\HoudiniNiagara\HoudiniNiagara.uplugin" -package="C:\A_Projects\Rebuild"
9. Calling Blueprint custom events in the sequencer in UE4
Drag your BP in the sequencer
Create an event trigger track
Create a keyframe on the event track, right click to show the properties, choose quick bind, search for your custom event
10. Use re-triggerable Delay
Random Sequence player (Animation Blueprint)
Actor has a tag check, Get all actors with tag
Sometimes I scale up the assets really big that it does weird disappear and reappear thing. It is because the frustum culling is kicking in too soon. To fix it Go to your blueprint actor component, scale up the bounds calling would fix it.
I was opening up one of my older unreal project. The error: couldn't set associated for project pop up.
First, go to your Unreal laucher director, find the Unreal version selector.
My path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Engine\Binaries\Win64
Right click and copy it
Then go to your engine director and paste it in the win64 folder
My path is C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.27\Engine\Binaries\Win64
double click on it
and yes
if this is not working
Lauch your project directly through the ue launcher
when it ask you to make a copy, do make a copy.
Disable the auto-exposure (eye-adaptation)
Add a postprocessing volume
set it unbound
under the exposure tab
change the value on Min brightness and max brightness to 1